
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Integration of Immigrants: A peaceful quest to fulfill the promise of democracy.

Everyone is a citizen of the earth. The rest is politics.

Altruistic, you may say. Why not consider it spiritual? Here is a revelation: Winning the American visa, in 1989, was like receiving a voucher to enter His earthly kingdom for me.

Not sold yet? Maybe foreigners dilute your sense of patriotism? Maybe you need to reconsider chanting the "Land of the Free" and "Home of the Brave" next time you do.

You see! Some of us come from countries where governments failed to provide security for all, unconditionally. We were deprived from the chance to exercise our individuality, while protecting the freedom of others. We fled regimes that won elections by force and/or destroyed their opponents after victory. Some of us lived trapped in the open. I did!

I assure you, we are motivated by a humane basic need, to live peacefully. Don't put us at arm's length. Or assume we are bacteria bearing creatures, like that Immigration and Naturalization Service lady, who put on medical gloves to handle my documents in 1996. Otherwise, those of us treated as foreign bodies will inadvertently find solace only in each other. Therefore, the ingredients in the melting pot will remain raw, if not hardened. There goes that metaphor.

Maybe you are thinking we suck your economy dry depleting benefits available to the previous generations of immigrants. I am talking to you of course! Have you considered that we bring value to the economy?

Immigrants start businesses at a higher rate than the native-born. 620 out of 100,00 compared to 280 out of 100,00 businesses are formed by immigrants in comparison to native-born citizens. )Source: Current Population Survey (2010), and U.S. Small Business Administration Analysis (2012)).

Free of the daily struggles for survival, immigrants bring the power of risk taking in form of entrepreneurship. We are blessed or cursed, depending how you look at it. Our mentality goes something like this: "We've had it worse. At least I have my arms and eyes to start over and take more risks." 

Chant not about America being the "land of the free" when some of us -- me included and I know for fact that I am more patriotic than thousands of Americans I meet-- are intent on erecting demographic walls and laying down political barbwire to keep defenseless immigrants. Bravery in the "home of the brave" here means to embrace human beings, who look and act unlike you.  That is brave. 

Tearing down barriers to explore ways to assimilate with your brothers and sisters in humanity with civic ideals for a democracy that works is courage.

Keep politics out! Stay human! Fulfill the promise of democracy.